STP NoiseBlock
عالیترین عایق صوتی با فراهم نمودن بیش ترین جذب صوت!
کف داخلی، گلگیر چرخهای جلو و عقب، کف صندوق
This self-adhesive material is used as a sound insulating coating in vehicles, agricultural machinery, and in other situations requiring effective noise reduction.
The STP NoiseBlock material is multilayered, consisting of an adhesive polymer layer featuring elastomeric composition, protected with anti-adhesive paper, and a facing non-woven layer. The product is supplied in sheets. Details are produced by punching or cutting.
The STP NoiseBlock material is multilayered, consisting of an adhesive polymer layer featuring elastomeric composition, protected with anti-adhesive paper, and a facing non-woven layer. The product is supplied in sheets. Details are produced by punching or cutting.